As Well In A Sentence Learn how to use As Well in a sentence and make better sentences with word `As Well` by reading from 81,327 As Well sentence examples Use search function to find more simple sentences of As Well The characters were representative of types as well as well developed Friday had music as well, which makes it thoroughlyI'm not Canadian and I put it at the end of the sentence Note this is not as well as –It has no finite main verb 2638 Mister Micawber

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As well at the end of a sentence examples
As well at the end of a sentence examples-As well is an adverb which means 'also', 'too' or 'in addition' We usually use as well at the end of a clause We look forward very much to seeing you again and to meeting your wife as well As wellTo mean "well done" However there is no dialect I know that normally ends sentences with any of the other question words, so your example makes no sense You can end sentences with a question word as a way of emphasizing the exact question Example

No need for a comma before as well She not only sings;For example He plays tennis well 3 Prepositions at the beginning of a sentence, not all of them work!And now you're wondering if it's grammatically correct to do so Find the answers you're looking for here
Convert negadecimal to decimal (and back) Are both forms correct in Spanish?Examples of will end in a sentence 1 Bethink yourself how all this will end 2 I have my fears as to how this will end 3 And it will end by our noAnswer (1 of 18) Too and also are both adverbs They're pretty much synonymous and interchangeable There is no rule preventing them from being at the end of a sentence But, as adverbs, they work better when close to the verb they modify Compare, "can I bring my sister to store also?" and "can
Sentence Examples The deck and hull of all Fountain boats are securely bonded together with adhesives, mechanical fasteners as wellas fiberglass and resin For thou art Advocate as wellas Judge, and unless thou have well organized thy Mind thou art a bondslave of Prejudice You might as wellimagine this scene, because the real one is utterlyTranslations in context of "sentence end" in EnglishFrench from Reverso Context the end of the sentence, at the end of the first sentence We can use already at the end of a sentence for greater emphasis or to show greater surprise For example He finished his homework already;


So, you're ending a sentence with a preposition;Did you finish your application already? I was with John as well as my brother This sentence does not need a comma because "as well as my brother" is a prepositional phrase at the end of the sentence, which does not call for a comma Roberts, as well as his assistant, made the decision to go

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Make sure the verb agrees with the subject in the examples below remember, adding 'as well as' does not change the number of subjects 3 Tomatoes, as well as potatoes, grow in the garden 4 TheEnglish words and Examples of Usage use "in the end" in a sentence Martina Horner once stated that what is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity in the end there are no certain answers in the end, he did not come in the end, he wasn't able to succeed in the end, they made up their minds to go by planeIn the speech or sentences, it emphasises specific subjects at the end of a sentence In other words, it produces the central aspect in a sentence Consider the tone of the following sentences Environmental science students cause lots of mayhem (No central aspect) Some student cause lots of mayhem, namely environment science students (namely introduces the main culprits)

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He writes as well as Uncle George I play as well as I did ten years ago Anytime you use the phrase in a simple comparison, the second "as" acts as a subordinating conjunction Subordinating conjunctions never require commas when they appear in the middle of a sentence That's what makes themWhen quoted material is presented as multiple sentences, four dots should be used for omissions between two or more original sentences;And before the end it will fall And what a wonderful end it was too!

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At the end of the day we went home In the end, it was a long day At the end of the game, our team won In the end, our team won We were happy in the end We weren't happy at the end of the movie The heroes won in the end The heroes celebrated at the end of their journeyGrammar Can I put a comma before as well?1 Answer No you should not place a comma before as well at the end of a sentence You would normally put a comma before as if it introduces a further explanation of the function of something, and only then if it is an afterthought he liked her, as a friend


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Please give us some examples so that we can be sure what you intend it to mean and in order to provide context Last edited A Ateesh6800 Senior Member Hungary Hungarian #4 OK, here are a few examples They have been written by a nonnative, but right now the only important issue is whether the "as well" is OK at the end of the sentenceIt may not be substituted for the word 'and' Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that â ¦ No, don't put a comma The purple shirt (as well as the white shorts) is packed in the suitcase 'As well as' does NOT mean 'and' This sentence means that Adele sings better than I do You can also use as well as to make a simple comparisonExclamatory sentences are so powerful they can stand alone For example Wow, I really love you!

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End sentence examples1when he answered the phone, ferguson was at the other End2soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent End3in the End, it was hard to tell whether i was really getting apps that were a good fit for me or just a random bunch of new app suggestions4they had hoped to be able t Is it formal to use " also" at the end of a sentence No, it's not considered formal usage As an adverb, 'also' is best placed before its verb here I also like Egypt meaning Egypt, too Cf I, too, like Egypt Notice the commas They tell usJulie loves ice cream, books, and kittens Appositives act as synonyms for a Geoff's cooking skills, if you can call them skills, left something to be desired I, too, like bananas Don't use a comma in compound predicates unless there is a chance of misreading In the sentence above, you need the comma to make clear that it was Cleo who waved, not the man Well is an introductory


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Luckily, you yourself were able to notice that the sentence, These oranges cost 25 pence yesterday each, sounds really clumsyIt reads absolutely better like this These oranges cost 25 pence each yesterdayEnd with a professional signoff, such as "Sincerely," "Thank you," or "Best regards" 8 cover letter closing paragraph examples To help you write a strong closing paragraph, our team of professional writers has crafted a few examples Use these closing paragraph text examples wordforword or as inspiration as you write your own 1 Thank you for taking the time to review my Let's look at a few examples Can Becky sing as well as I do?

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Here are some examples Sentence Examples She finally reached the correct wall, the one beside the oak tree that would serve in concealing her as well asserving as an aid to help her up These scientists also study the natural satellites of other planets as well asasteroids and cometsWhy not end it where it is? If the designation is at the end of the sentence, then a comma is used only before it For exampleJohn James, Sr, was well regarded in the community However, the community had no use for John

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As to Hope End, it is nothing Well, tomorrow they would bury Isom, and that would end it Short & Simple Example Sentence For End It End It Sentence Why should he not end it?3 2 At the end of the hall, a steep set of stairs led to the attic sentence examples 1 Should hardwood floors go all the way to wall under kitchen cabinets?Question mark written on paper Interrogative sentences allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as

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Yes, if done in proper sentence format you can end many sentences with well Similar to the previous sentence if you noticed I used the word well to end off my sentence there are also many otherShe plays the piano as well (We have meetings on other days, and) we have meetings on Sundays as well These example sentences are from Michael Swan's PEU –Use "as well as " in a sentence He was a great poet as well as a doctor Writer Jane Austen once suggested that a woman, especially if she has the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can You may as well as go to bed now In the south of Sudan, cattle are used as currency, as well as providing food, drink, clothing

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That would end it all It was time to end it Now was my time to end it all! As well as exercise As well as means 'in addition to' We can combine two sentences using as well as Study the example given below Trees give us fruits They also give us shade We can combine these two sentences using asIt may not be technically correct to use "As well," at the beginning of a sentence from a grammatical standpoint However, I think there is a certain acceptance to its usage after a sentence which you are relating the "As well" sentence to "You may eat your lunch on the school lawn As well, you may eat your lunch in the student union " Here it means in addition or also You can

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Interrogative Sentence Examples An interrogative sentence asks a direct question and is punctuated at the end with a question mark It is one of the four basic types of sentences, and it's a highly useful one Could you imagine life without questions?Is there a comma before as well at the end of a sentence? As well as, going through the common failures of requests to grasp an understanding of why it failed, and how to resolve the issue No, that is wrong structure Your second 'sentence' is only a sentence fragment;

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) Edit I say this even if there Do I need a comma before "as well" if it ends a sentence?Ice cream sundaes are my favorite!

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Why not end it all now?So I think your example is fine with one change Due to the continuing time reference, use "am extending" Moreover, since there is no class nor office time on Friday, I am extending the deadline for problem 1 to Sept 1st as well You could say "there are no classes", but then it would conflict with "there is no office time"Here are some examples of sentences ending with prepositions Remember that these are not technically wrong, but we've marked them as wrong because, in the eyes of those who think you can't end a sentence with a preposition, they are That is a situation I have not thought of (The word "of" is a preposition) She is a person I cannot cope with (The word "with" is a preposition)

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In the same way other people might end with, "isn't it?" For example, Jolly good show, what?Sentence examples similar to the end of which well from inspiring English sources similar (60) I had ended up in Miss Hardwick's office every two weeks during my last semester, at the end of which well, she liked my work 1 Huffington Post At the other extreme is the worstcase possibility that we will have to reapply for residence and work permits – this time in the "other"In end position, also normally connects two phrases We use as well and too instead of also, in end position, especially in speech She contacted him in the office but he didn't answer the phone

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Right As long as those contexts are in the land of Molson and Tim Horton There was also a brief essay on the OED website on Canadian English that mentioned initial As well as a characteristic of Canadian English as well Oh, look!Sentences with Already and the Present PerfectThree dots should be used for omissions within a single original sentence In the example below, MLA style requires an ellipsis at the end of the quotation, indicating that a portion of the original sentence

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English 3 hours ago Englishstackexchangecom More Item No you should not place a comma before as well at the end of a sentenceYou would normally put a comma before as if it introduces a further explanation of the function of something, and only then if it is an afterthought he liked her, as a friendAnd of course you would use aIn these instances, you don't have to divide the sentiment into two separate sentences Oh sorry Michael, you got me wrong As it is with a preposition at the end of a sentence, the same goes for each (and surely many others) as well;

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Avoid ending with a verb Ending clauses and sentences with a verb creates "topheavy" sentences that seem badly imbalanced Instead, good writers try to place the verb as soon as possible after the subject of the sentence This can clearly be seen in the example below There is such a strong need to avoid placing the verb at the end that native speakers feel compelled toToo and as well are used at the end of a sentence (As well is more formal than too) Also usually goes before the verb or adjective He likes chocolate I also like chocolate I like chocolate also I like chocolate, too I like chocolate as well The apples are delicious The pears are also delicious The pears are delicious also The pears are delicious, too The pears are delicious as wellThe most important thing to remember when using "such as" and "as well as" in professional writing is that they generally don't require commas unless they are part of a nonrestrictive clause Using commas with them might change the meaning of the whole sentence GDP in developing countries such as Vietnam will continue growing at a

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